The Aula Mecalux UPC chair: consolidating collaboration between two entities

April 7, 2017

Since 1979, Mecalux has collaborated with the UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) and the ETSEIB (Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona) on matters related to the experimental analysis of numerical simulation for metal racking components and structures. Similarly, it contributes to the development of tests for different elements, according to the current standards, through the Material Elasticity and Resistance Laboratory of the Department of Material Resistance (LERMA) of the ETSEIB.

In January of 2015, the Aula Mecalux UPC was created to broaden this long-term collaboration in terms of training, research and scientific dissemination. With its headquarters in the ETSEIB building in Barcelona, the Mecalux UPC Aula offers three independent training modules to all UPC master’s students. This training provides students with the technical skills to work in structural innovation and development, the automation of storage installations and with knowledge of the most relevant aspects of the logistics industry. The Mecalux technological centers are made available for use by the university.

Following the initiative’s success and the December 2016 approval of the UPC Chair and Business Classrooms, a new collaborative agreement to create the Mecalux-UPC Logistics Automation and Innovation Chair was signed. This expands and consolidates the relationship between the company and the university.

The chair's proposed activities in 2017 include:

  • Specialized courses.
  • Scholarships
  • Visits to Mecalux installations.
  • Mecalux’s participation in the ETSEIB Business Forum.
  • An award to the valedictorian of the Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering (MUEI), specializing in structures and industrial constructions.
  • Give support to PhD students in matters of logistics automation and innovation.
  • Support education and research in logistics automation and innovation.