Advanced management with a WMS to improve growth prospects

March 2, 2022

To professionalize its logistics operations and drive business forward, Destockage-Games, an online store for entertainment products, has turned to Mecalux to install the Easy WMS warehouse management system in its new logistics facility in Avignon, France.

Almacén de la empresa de productos de entretenimiento Destockage-Games

Until now, Destockage-Games had been managing all its warehouse processes manually, by means of an ERP system developed in-house. With over 6,000 SKUs and business in expansion mode, the company felt it had reached its limit and needed to upgrade its entire supply chain.

To optimize its logistics operations, Destockage-Games has relied on Mecalux’s expertise and its warehouse management system, Easy WMS. The program was implemented in its cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) version, providing the business with accessible, scalable software. In fact, Destockage-Games does not have to concern itself with the acquisition and maintenance of the equipment running the software. Additionally, the operators can access Easy WMS from any browser or device with internet connection.

Easy WMS efficiently manages the items sold by the company, chiefly compressed air pistols. The software incorporates rules and algorithms for deciding on the storage location for each of these items and their spare parts, taking into account their SKU. As Destockage-Games also offers a repair and customization service for air guns, Easy WMS organizes customer returns and controls the traceability of the goods. The company not only monitors the products in each stage of the workshop (receipt, repair, testing, and return to the customer), but also knows exactly how many spare parts were used.

Destockage-Games has also implemented the Multi Carrier Shipping Software module, an extension of Easy WMS specifically dedicated to order packaging, labeling, and dispatch. This software communicates with the five transportation agencies charged with delivering Destockage-Games’ orders in order to streamline package management and the exchange of information.

The warehouse management system from Mecalux has helped us to meet many objectives. For starters, we wanted to offer our customers better service, improving our responsiveness when it came to package shipments; now, we can dispatch all orders placed before 3:00 p.m. that same day. Likewise, we can provide accurate traceability of products, both in the warehouse and after dispatch, ensuring their delivery to the correct home or pick-up point. Lastly, our priority was to enhance ergonomics for our employees, which we’ve accomplished with this functional, intuitive software.

Margot LaurensProject Director, Destockage-Games

About Destockage-Games

Based in Avignon, France, Destockage-Games is a haven for airsoft fans (games played with air guns). Through its website, the company markets a wide variety of replica air guns and other accessories used outdoors.