Smart management of the SURdiscount stationery warehouse in France

May 29, 2020

The online stationery store SURdiscount has implemented Interlake Mecalux’s Easy WMS warehouse management system, using it to automate some of its procedures, such as assigning a location for each item and organizing dispatches. One of its most notable functions is the picking optimization. To make the most effective use of picking, the system permanently directs the operators, instructing them how to prepare each order. For smaller orders, the WMS shows the operators how to prepare them simultaneously.

SURdiscount has also renovated its warehouse in Quimper (in northern France) with the installation of Interlake Mecalux pallet racks offering storage capacity for 525 pallets. This solution provides direct access to the products, indispensable for facilitating and speeding up the center's main operational activity: picking and order preparation.

To manage the warehouse more efficiently and make all its processes as cost-effective as possible, Easy WMS communicates constantly and bidirectionally with the company’s ERP, XL Soft. The ERP notifies the WMS when items are received and tells it which orders need to be prepared.

Anthony Le Fur - Manager of SURdiscount
“We chose Interlake Mecalux because of its technical knowledge, the brand reputation and the experience it already had with our ERP and how to integrate it with Easy WMS. Over the coming year, we plan to develop our online stores and multiply our volume of orders fivefold, to reach 200 a day.”

SURdiscount will equip its warehouse with pallet racks and Easy WMS from Mecalux

About SURdiscount

SURdiscount was set up in 2006, when e-commerce was just coming into its own and during the boom in flash sales on the Internet. The founders created a concept that is unique in France: an online stationery store with unbeatable discounts. The company also has three points of sale in France (Quimper, Trégunc and Caudan) where, among other services, it offers photocopies, rubber stamps and bindings, as well as computer and mobile phone repair.